Referee Policy 2019 World Age Group Championships
Each federation is required to nominate one L3 competent water referee per team entered in the tournament for the approval and acceptance of the Tournament Director as being suitable. The referee must be resident in the country they represent.
The fee for not bringing referees is GBP £1,500 for 1st referee, £1,000 for 2nd referee, £500 for 3rd referee. Max 3 referees per federation.
The number of referees is limited to a maximum of 43. The World Championship (Age Group) tournament will cover the costs of accommodation and board. Federations are to cover the selected referees expenses for travel to and from the event. Some Federations may have a reduced number of referee places due to the maximum of 43 referees at the event.
Referees must stay at the provided accommodation (with the other Referees) for development and pass the in water beep test.
Referees Accommodation
Referees will be staying at the Sheffield Metropolitan which is a 5 minute walk from the pool.
Referees Registration
Referees registration is now open. Please fill in the form on the page linked below and someone will be in contact.